Novice Men
The Novice Men's squad welcomes men from any year at the University who wishes to learn to row at a competitive national level. A highly enthusiastic group of men, they operate a work-hard/play-hard mentality reflecting their victories with unrivalled celebrations.
The Novice Program is designed to ensure that each athlete has the chance to learn how to row and build potential in order to progress and be competitive within the senior squads.
Supported by a strong network of seniors, coaches, and their Captain, the NM aim to build up their consistency and confidence in technique in order to give the Seniors some healthy competition next year.
After a year of hard work and dedication to the sport, the 2022/23 season of the NM finished the year with the most successful head season in the clubs history, winning every British Rowing event they entered, and ending the year winning Marlow Regatta – a feat which clearly reflects their talent. Next season we hope to build on and surpass this.
For 2024/25 enquiries please contact Andrew:
2024/ 2025 Captain: Andrew Knight

"The novice squads always have lots of fun and are a great opportunity to meet new people. Rowing is a unique sport that fosters great team spirit and is excellent for improving your strength and fitness."

Summary of the 2023/24 Season
1st at Marlow Regatta in the Beginner Academic 8+.
A final at BUCS Regatta in the MBeg 8+ (A).
2 highly successful 8+ and 4+ boats competing at multiple events.
Won multiple events throughout the squad at local races during the course of the year.